Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 3 - Tracy Anderson's 30 Day Method

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 3 - Tracy Anderson's 30 Day Method 

I'm not sure if this is real because it seems pretty unbelievable, but I weighed myself this morning and I am now 144.2 which means I lost 2.4 lbs. I'm sure a lot of it is water weight from junk food/salt detox. Whatever the reason I will soooo take it. 

As with the last three days my thought of the day is "HUNGRY!!!!" I have tried sooo many different diets over the year and this is the hungriest I have been by far. As a bonus I am in a total foul mood. My only motivation carrying on to continuing is that I have lost 2.4 lbs in two days. Yee Haw!

Today I pretty much stuck with the Tracy food plan. I had my planned lunch for breakfast which was the minestrone soup. For lunch I knew I was going out so I ordered an egg white veggie omelet with none of the good stuff that I would normally order. I did stray on the snack. I was supposed to have the choco chestnut pudding but didn't have time to make it before I had to pick up my daughter from preschool so I had the my famous Siggi's yogurt. Dinner was poached tilapia with steamed broccoli. And yes as I type this I am dreaming of jumping cupcakes and skipping sugar cookies. 

I have not done a bit of exercise today. I'm about to do the cardio component because in her book Tracy says that for weight loss cardio trumps the mat work. Hopefully tomorrow I will get both the meals and the exercise back on track while writing three (yes 3!) essays for nursing school! But this is day to day life so I need to learn to adapt better.

Lessons from Today:  Hunger makes you willing to do almost anything for a satisfying bite of something delicious! I now truly believe that food can be addictive. Maybe I need food rehab!

Day 3 - Meals (With My  Variations)
Breakfast - Tomato Minestrone Soup
This is a repeat for me. It was surprisingly comforting as a breakfast food! May have to switch my breakfast and lunches more often. 
Tomato Minestrone Soup
Lunch - Egg White Veggie Omelet from The Egg & I
This was really good. I tried to make it as pro Tracy as possible. I asked for little oil to be used and it seemed like they listened. 
Veggie Omelet from The Egg & I
Snack - Siggi's Yogurt Pomegranate & Passion Fruit

Are you noticing a trend here?
Siggi's Yogurt Blueberry

Dinner - Poached Tilapia with Steamed Broccoli
This was easy to make and really good. Fairly filling although it doesn't fill the cravings that I am having.
Poached Tilapia with Steamed Broccoli

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